Trans Faith Weekend
Liberation is excited to hold our second Trans Faith Weekend October 19th-21st. The weekend will be an opportunity for transgender people to explore the relationship between their spirituality, gender, and life journey. Workshops will be lead by Pastor Lawrence Tanner Richardson on Friday and Saturday, followed by a service honoring the gifts brought to the church by trans people on Sunday. Admission is free. All who identify as trans (including those with agender and other nonbinary identities) are welcome to attend. Please RSVP via the form at the bottom of this page.
PRogram OVerview
Friday, meet at 5pm
“Getting to know you” mixer.
Covenant building exercise
Dinner (provided by Liberation UCC)
Conversation on I Know What Heaven Looks Like, by Lawrence Tanner Richardson
Saturday, All-day
Breakfast ( provided) and reintroduction
Workshops and activities on faith and trans identities
Large group discussion
Lunch (provided)
Community building and vision exercises
Sunday, 1:30
Sunday service in honor of the Trans community. All are welcome, regardless of participation in other events.
To register, Please complete the form below
All TransFaith Weekend events will be held at Liberation UCC.