Why We Aren’t Having Service on February 25th, 2024


Title: Embracing Rest and Joy: A Radical Act of Resistance and Liberation for Black Lives by PHOENIX RAINBOW BUTTERFLY

In the words of William James, the self comprises the "I" and "me," representing the knower and the known (Funder, 2016). This intricate dance between the ontological self ("I") and the epistemological self ("me") unfolds within a broader context, one deeply rooted in history, culture, and the struggle for liberation. As we delve into the rich tapestry of Black history, drawing inspiration from luminaries like James Baldwin, Liberation Theology, Black Feminist Theology, Zora Neal Hurston, and the pivotal Dr. Carter G. Woodson, we find a profound call to action — a call to center rest and joy as acts of resistance and liberation.

Dr. Carter G. Woodson, known as the "Father of Black History," dedicated his life to ensuring the recognition and celebration of Black achievements. Black History Month, established by Woodson in 1926, is a testament to his commitment to reclaiming and preserving the narratives of Black excellence. It is a time to honor our ancestors who toiled relentlessly under oppressive systems and a reminder that resilience and resistance are etched into our collective history.

Amidst this historical backdrop, Black Futures Month emerges as a contemporary expression of our commitment to liberation. It transcends the confines of a single month, urging us to envision and create futures where joy, rest, and resistance coalesce. In the face of structures that seek to deny our humanity and divinity, our daily acts of prioritizing rest and joy become revolutionary.

The echoes of our ancestors reverberate in the struggles they endured, from slavery to Jim Crow to the present-day injustices within the criminal justice system. Taking time for intentional rest and joy is a radical declaration that our well-being cannot be commodified or compromised. It is a profound recognition of the intergenerational traumas passed down through centuries, urging us to break free from mental and spiritual chains.

As we navigate the complexities of identity and the intersectionality of our experiences, it is essential to acknowledge the profound impact of anti-Blackness and whiteness on our collective psyche. Black joy and rest serve as antidotes to the damages inflicted by capitalism, colonialism, and systemic oppression. They are not only acts of self-preservation but also acts of political warfare, echoing the wisdom of Audre Lorde.

Scripture, too, reinforces the importance of rest and joy. In Mark 6:31-32, Jesus invites us to come away to a deserted place and rest, acknowledging the necessity of rejuvenation. In Matthew 11:28-30, he assures us that in taking his yoke, we will find rest for our souls.

In the spirit of Black Futures Month, we celebrate with rest, joy, and love as acts of resistance and liberation. Our journey towards collective liberation begins with reclaiming our power, embracing authenticity, and creating space for the joy that is rightfully ours. Through rest and joy, we not only honor our ancestors but pave the way for a future where Black lives thrive in all their complexity and beauty. As Zora Neal Hurston’s mother told her to always strive to do, we must also do, and that is “Jump at da Sun”!


Ten Ideas for Rest and Joy

1. Mindful Meditation:

- Engage in daily mindfulness or meditation practices, such as guided meditation or deep-breathing exercises, to center yourself and find inner peace.

2. Nature Retreats:

- Spend time in nature—whether it's a local park, beach, or hiking trail—to reconnect with the earth and enjoy the healing benefits of the outdoors.

3. Literary Escapes:

- Dive into literature that brings joy and inspiration. Explore works by Zora Neale Hurston or delve into the thought-provoking writings of James Baldwin for intellectual and emotional enrichment.

4. Cultural Celebrations:

- Participate in cultural events, festivals, or online gatherings that celebrate the richness of Black history and heritage.

5. Artistic Expression:

- Engage in creative outlets, such as painting, writing, or music, to express yourself and tap into the therapeutic power of artistic expression.

6. Community Connection:

- Build and nurture connections within your community. Attend events hosted by organizations like The Nap Ministry or explore local Black-led initiatives.

7. Restful Reading:

- Dedicate time to enjoy literature focused on wellness and self-care. Consider works like "Sister Outsider" by Audre Lorde or "All About Love" by bell hooks.

8. Sacred Sabbath Moments:

- Embrace the concept of a sacred Sabbath day, as mentioned in Mark 2:27. Set aside one day a week for intentional rest, reflection, and joy.

9. Historical Exploration:

- Delve into the extensive collection of the National Museum of African American History and Culture to deepen your understanding of Black history and achievements.

10. Joyful Movement:

- Incorporate joyous physical activities into your routine, such as dance, yoga, or any form of exercise that brings pleasure and relaxation.

References and Website Links:

1. The Nap Ministry:

- [Website](https://thenapministry.wordpress.com/)

2. National Museum of African American History and Culture:

- [Explore Stories](https://nmaahc.si.edu/explore/stories/black-joy-resistance-resilience-and-reclamation)

3. Resmaa Menakem - Somatic Learnings:

- [White Supremacy as a Trauma Response](https://www.resmaa.com/somatic-learnings/white-supremacy-as-a-trauma-response)

4. Black Lives Matter - Celebrating Black Futures Month:

- [Article](https://blacklivesmatter.com/heres-to-celebrating-black-futures-month-2024/)

5. Quotes by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi:

- [Goodreads](https://www.goodreads.com/author/quotes/24886.Maharishi_Mahesh_Yogi)

6. Audre Lorde Quotes:

- [BrainyQuote](https://www.brainyquote.com/authors/audre-lorde-quotes)

7. Bible Verses on Rest and Joy:

- [Mark 6:31-32](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Mark%206%3A31-32)

- [Mark 2:27](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Mark%202%3A27)

- [Matthew 11:28-30](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%2011%3A28-30)

- [John 15:11](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John%2015%3A11)

Feel free to explore these resources and activities to infuse your daily life with rest and joy as acts of resistance and liberation.