Principles of Belief
And the diversity in which God has been and will continue to be revealed to all people.
WE believe in One God
Diversely expressed as God the Creator, God as Jesus Christ, and God the Holy Ghost.
We acknowledge the sinful systems that have taken us from our innate being and tricked us into adopting an image of ourselves that contradicts that of our Creator.
We embrace the love of God pulling us back into Her arms through the example and teachings of Jesus Christ.
we believe in the indwelling of the holy spirit
Provided as a gift that actively ministers in our daily lives. Leading, guiding, and revealing all truth.
we believe in the bible
As a sacred text that continues to live and direct our faith and practice. It is to be interpreted responsibly under the guidance of God’s Holy Spirit for seeking social justice within and beyond our community of faith.
we believe in an active search for god
That inspires authenticity, strengthened faith, love, relinquished guilt, and a purposeful life.
we believe that god calls us
To all to be ministers actively seeking liberation and peace while being catalysts for radical change in the world.
We believe in the church
As a faith community. A place for fellowship, worship, celebration, and a safe haven for those seeking a relationship with God through others.
We believe in the celebration
And expression of our faith through the symbols of Baptism, Holy Communion, and the Washing of Feet.